, 2002 and Schiller, 1993). In contrast, V4 lesions produce striking deficits in more complex perceptual tasks.
For example, V4 lesions lead to loss of ability to discriminate images of 3D objects (Merigan and Pham, 1998), loss of color constancy (Walsh et al., 1993), and deficits in the ability to select relatively less salient objects from an array, or to generalize 3-deazaneplanocin A across different stimulus configurations (Schiller, 1993, De Weerd et al., 1996 and De Weerd et al., 1999). A very large number of neurophysiological experiments on V4 have focused on attention. In fact it would not be an exaggeration to say that much of our understanding of the neural mechanisms mediating attention has been informed by neurophysiological studies in monkey V4. Note that, while under natural behavioral conditions primates foveate objects of attention, most neurophysiological studies have been conducted in extrafoveal regions of V4 in monkeys performing covert attention tasks (e.g., attending to nonfoveal stimuli while maintaining fixation on a central location). Development of fMRI over the past 15 years has dramatically advanced our understanding of human V4 and indicates that, to a large extent, human V4 is organizationally
and functionally analogous to macaque V4. The retinotopic organization of area V4 and nearby visual areas appears JAK inhibitor similar in humans (Sereno et al., 1995 and Hansen et al., 2007) and macaques (Fize et al., 2003 and Gattass et al., 1988). That is, humans appear to possess an inferior field representation of V4 dorsally and a superior field representation ventrally (Hansen et al., 2007). However, some others report a complete hemifield representation within ventral human V4 and conclude that no dorsal V4 exists in humans (Wade et al., 2002, Winawer et al., 2010 and Goddard et al., 2011). Beyond retinotopy, many fMRI studies of V4 are broadly consistent with what would be expected based on neurophysiological studies
in monkey V4. However, this comparison is difficult to make because interpretation of GPX6 fMRI results in terms of the underlying neural mechanisms is problematic (Buxton et al., 2004 and Logothetis and Wandell, 2004). In any case, from a comparative evolutionary viewpoint, it is likely that many commonalities exist between monkey V4 and human V4, but there may also be specializations in the human that are not present in the monkey. There have long been suggestions that V4 contains functional compartments. The original evidence for this idea comes from anatomical studies in which retrograde tracer injections in V4 labeled either predominantly thin stripes (associated with color) or pale stripes (associated with form) in area V2 and did not label thick stripes (associated with depth) (DeYoe et al., 1994). Furthermore, tracer injections in inferotemporal areas (PITv and PITd) result in interdigitated segregated label in V4 (DeYoe et al., 1994), indicating some degree of continued functional streaming in the ventral pathway.