Reasons triggering this calcium intake are largely unknown but al

Reasons triggering this calcium intake are largely unknown but alteration of nonspecific cation channels is often mentioned as a possible cause [107] and [108].

The band 3 clustering model is characterized by protein oxidation. The oxidation of hemoglobin contributes to hemichrome formation, which is constituted of Hb derived products (likely met-hemoglobin) linked to the inner leaflet, followed by the clustering and aggregation of band 3 multimers in the membrane [109]. Band 3 clustering forms or uncovers senescent neoantigens, probably because of relatively small structural modifications that are recognized by naturally occurring autologous IgG with subsequent complement Lenvatinib order activation [110]. Both models share the same final outcome, which is phosphatidylserine externalization on RBCS membrane and degradation of cytoskeleton proteins followed by modification in the phosphorylation

status of band 3 (Fig. 4) [75]. Based on recent data, a clearer picture of the molecular mechanisms underlying this process is emerging: oxidative damage induces the binding of hemoglobin to band 3, activation of calcium-dependent permeable channels, phosphorylation of key player proteins and aggregation of band 3 leading to vesiculation. This process gives sufficient membrane flexibility resulting in REVS formation and release. The hypothesis of an oxidative stress being involved in RBCS storage lesions has been reinforced by the studies of Stowell et al. [111]. By adding ascorbic acid solution to RBCs during storage, the authors observed a beneficial effect on recovery Dabrafenib and immunogenicity of RBCs after transfusion, but not cytokine induction. They also demonstrated a significant decrease in EVS formation. Thus, the addition of ascorbic acid (or other antioxidants) to human RBCs may have beneficial effects. Almizraq et al., by assessing RBCs throughout storage also observed significant Celecoxib increases in percent hemolysis, while

significant decreases in ATP concentrations as well as the mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration [77] and [112]. The metabolic deregulation has been identified during RBC aging in vivo [113], [114], [115] and [116], and in vitro [117] and [118], resulting in the impairment of the potassium pumps and in the subsequent loss of modulation of calcium homeostasis [119]. Increased intracellular levels of calcium appeared to promote vesiculation, even if the eryptosis-like phenomena is also induced by a calcium-independent fashion by starvation [120]. EVS have been observed in blood storage as well as in different hematological diseases that have been recently reviewed [21] and [22]. Briefly, REVS are involved in clinical situations characterized by hemolysis or endothelial activation. In sickle cell disease, the abnormal hemoglobin S adds to the membrane instability and favors the development of EVS [121].

jenynsi–grass shrimp from Argentina (Sagrario et al , 2002) and B

jenynsi–grass shrimp from Argentina (Sagrario et al., 2002) and BMFs between predators (whiting) and their prey (sole) from Southern North Sea (Weijs et al., 2009). Significant correlations were observed between BDE concentration (ng g−1 lipid wt) and lipid content (%) and weight (g) in dolphins (Spearman’s coefficient = −0.857, p < 0.01, n = 10 between BDE 85 and length and Spearman’s coefficient = 0.721, p < 0.05, n = 10 between BDE 85 and lipid content), in croaker (Pearson’s coefficient = 0.957,

p < 0.01, n = 9 between weight and length and Kendall’s coefficient = −0.571 and −0.618, p < 0.05, n = 9 between length/weight and lipid content) and in scabbardfish from Paraiba do Sul River ( Fig. 4 and Fig. 5), confirming the lipophilic properties of these compounds. Concentrations of BDE 85 in PARP activity croaker liver had a negative correlation with the concentration in muscles (Spearman’s coefficient = −0.782, p < 0.05, n = 9), but a positive relationship with the BDE 47 concentration in liver (Pearson’s coefficient = 0.865, p < 0.01, n = 9). Statistical analysis for PCBs revealed relationships between PCBs congeners in liver, muscles and kidney from dolphins, croaker and scabbardfish

and some PCBs showed correlation with the total length; however no correlations were found between PCB concentrations and lipid content. We thank Dr. Helena Trametinib nmr do Amaral Kehring and Dr. Tércia Guedes for dolphin samples. Rachel Ann Hauser Davis is acknowledged for technical support during fish dissections and English revisions. This study was financially supported by CNPq, FAPERJ and in collaboration with the Institute of Oceanography

of São Paulo University (USP). “
“Recent marine legislation worldwide (e.g. Oceans Act in USA, Australia or Canada; Water Framework Directive (WFD) and Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD) in Europe, and National Protirelin Water Act in South Africa) has been developed in order to protect and restore ecological quality or integrity within estuarine, coastal and offshore systems (Borja et al., 2008 and Borja et al., 2010). Now, with the world economy facing a deep crisis, perhaps this marine environmental legislation can be a source of technological development and job opportunity in different marine sectors. Hence, the European Maritime Policy recognises that the maritime industries and services encompass a wide range of sectoral economic activities, from shipbuilding to shipping and ports, to fisheries and aquaculture, to recreational activities and tourism, to offshore energy exploration and extraction, and to a large number of related technical and economic services. Our responsibility, as marine scientists, is to provide information to these sectors on which different issues within this legislation worldwide need technological development supported with job opportunities.

, 2013) The total values have been reported in this study so tha

, 2013). The total values have been reported in this study so that comparisons with other studies can be made. Overall it was possible to assign 95th percentile values for 45 of the elements measured in the urine samples (Table 3). The other 16 elements, Ag, Au Bi, Dy, Eu, In, Lu, Nb, Nd, Os, Pr, Sm, Tb, Tm, Y, and Zr all exhibited too high a percentage of results below the limit of detection. This is still useful information because it

is now known that these elements are low in urine samples from occupationally unexposed individuals and are not yet detectable with our existing methodologies. Comparing the data obtained from this studies from with Belgium (Hoet et al., 2013), France (Fréry selleck inhibitor et al., 2011) and US (NHANES, 2011) studies show that this study reports Fluorouracil 95th percentiles for 20 elements (B, Br, Ce, Er, Ga, Gd, Ge, Hf, Ho, Ir, La, Rb, Rh, Ru, Sc, Sr, Ta, Th, Ti and Yb) and < LOQ for 14 elements (Ag, Au, Dy, Eu, Lu, Nb, Nd, Os, Pr, Sm, Tb, Tm, Y and Zr) that have not been reported before in any of the other studies. The 95th percentiles established in this study were compared in Table 4 with those obtained from larger European and US based studies which were more comprehensive studies in terms of demographics, sample numbers and sample collection information. Data from a smaller UK based study

(White and Sabbioni, 1998) has also been used to compare this current UK data with. White and Sabbioni published their study in 1998 where urine Non-specific serine/threonine protein kinase samples from a similar UK population to this study were measured for thirteen elements as part of a larger EU study (White and Sabbioni, 1998). Comparing the results obtained in this study with those reported in 1998 showed that similar values were obtained for aluminium, molybdenum and nickel. However, slightly lower values were obtained for cobalt, copper, mercury, selenium and thallium and slightly higher values obtained for chromium in this study. In addition, this study showed considerably lower 95th percentile values for cadmium, lead and manganese from those reported in the White and Sabbioni study; with

urinary cadmium decreasing from 2.1 to 0.6 μmol/mol creatinine, urinary lead decreasing from 27.2 to 4.1 μmol/mol creatinine and urinary manganese decreasing from 3.1 to 1.3 μmol/mol creatinine. In the UK leaded petrol was removed from sale by the year 2000 and so it is likely that the decrease in urinary lead levels are as a direct result of this as evidenced by a similar reduction in the lead although at lower concentrations in the US NHANES study, where the levels decreased from 1.26 to 0.86 μmol/mol creatinine from 1999–2000 to 2009–2010 (NHANES, 2011). In comparing the data in Table 4 the 95th percentiles obtained for antimony (Hoet et al., 2013, Fréry et al., 2011 and NHANES, 2011), barium (Hoet et al.

dt=dw+dn If nitrification exceeds the total denitrification rate

dt=dw+dn. If nitrification exceeds the total denitrification rate, nitrate is released

into the water column at rate wNO: equation(8) wNO={nx−dt,nx≥dt0,nx this website PO4 that NVP-BKM120 is not adsorbed is released to the water column at a rate that is inversely proportional to the oxygen concentration: equation(12) wPO=(1−pads)mcPrCP. Parameter Units Value Description T °C 4 Bottom water temperature NS mmol m−2 2357 Organic nitrogen concentration in bottom sediments rCN mol mol−1 10.8 Carbon – nitrogen ratio in sediment organic matter amN mmol m−2 day−1 0.0003 Organic nitrogen mineralisation rate constant bmN °C−1 0.035 Temperature constant for organic nitrogen mineralisation ad dimensionless 0.93 Fraction of organic carbon oxidised by O2 at high oxygen conditions

bd (mg l−1)−1 2.61 Oxygen slope for potential denitrification Cd mg l−1 0.44 Oxygen Parvulin offset for potential denitrification ax dimensionless 5.15 Oxygen slope for nitrification bx mg l− 1 1.10 Oxygen offset for nitrification k mol m−3 8.62 Nitrate diffusion resistance PS mmol m− 2 285 Organic phosphorus concentration in bottom sediments rCP mol mol− 1 106 Carbon – phosphorus ratio in sediment organic matter amP mmol m−2 day−1 0.00036 Organic phosphorus mineralisation rate constant bmP °C−1 0.0102 Temperature constant for organic phosphorus mineralisation qbP dimensionless 0.459 Maximum fraction of generated PO4 adsorbed abP dimensionless

7.031 Oxygen slope for PO4 adsorption bbP mg l− 1 1.87 Oxygen offset for PO4 adsorption Full-size table Table options View in workspace Download as CSV “
“The aim of our studies is to derive regional algorithms for calculating chlorophyll and suspended matter concentrations in surface waters of the Gulf of Finland from satellite ocean colour scanner data. The Gulf of Finland is strongly influenced by river runoff, primarily from the Neva (2/3 of the total runoff), and this influence is evident not only in the low salinity (< 10 PSU) but also in their optical properties of these waters. The standard algorithms for calculating bio-optical characteristics from satellite ocean colour scanners, designed mainly on the basis of data measured in ocean waters (http://oceancolor.gsfc.nasa.

Although the mechanistic target(s) of META060 has not been identi

Although the mechanistic target(s) of META060 has not been identified, previous studies have indicated that META060 has potent inhibitory effects on several kinases regulating the nuclear factor-κB pathway, including glycogen

synthase kinase-3 and phosphatidyl inositol-3 kinase [12]. In this study, META060 showed effects on insulin sensitivity similar to that of rosiglitazone, prompting us to speculate whether the improvement of glucose tolerance in META060-treated mice is mediated through a peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor-γ–dependent mechanism. However, rosiglitazone was not as effective at preventing weight gain in HFD-fed mice as was META060, suggesting an alternative or additional mechanism of action selleck chemicals for buy Crizotinib META060. Results from the metabolic experiments indicated that supplementation with META060 increased the RER, metabolic flexibility, and the CHO-to-fat oxidation ratio in HFD-fed mice. These observations are congruent with the increased insulin sensitivity and improved CHO handling induced by

META060. Differences in metabolism and weight also were observed when the fat intake or absorption was not consistent across treatment groups. However, the metabolic experiments also indicated that META060 did not affect total energy expenditure, food intake, or FA secretion into the feces and thus do not explain the decrease in weight gain of META060-supplemented mice. Therefore, metabolic measurements

may not be sufficient to resolve a mechanism for the global effects of META060 on the mouse metabolism. The mice used in the 5-wk study were slightly younger than those in the longer-term experiment, and age may have a potential impact on physical activity, food intake, energy expenditure, or other metabolic processes. Although mice of different ages may have distinct metabolic characteristics contributing to the results we observed, the effects of META060 on weight gain and glucose homeostasis were consistent in the short-term and long-term Anacetrapib experiments. Results from in vitro studies in a human cecal cell line have shown that META060 increases Glucagon-like-peptide-1 (GPL-1) secretion (data not shown). Because GLP-1 is an insulin-sensitizing hormone, this in vitro effect of META060 is consistent with the in vivo effects on glucose homeostasis. The activation of GPR120, a G-protein–coupled receptor that regulates GLP-1 secretion [17], [18] and [19], may function as a mechanistic target for META060-dependent GLP-1 secretion, although further studies will be required to investigate this possibility.

The equilibrium constant K2T is a function only of solution salin

The equilibrium constant K2T is a function only of solution salinity, temperature, and pressure and is thus independent of the configuration of the optical instrumentation. In contrast, STA-9090 the molar absorptivity terms are generally a function not of solution chemistry but of

instrument configuration. The values of the ε ratios (Eq.  (3)) therefore depend on whether they are determined using a narrowband or broadband instrument (within the class of narrowband spectrophotometers—i.e., bandwidths on the order of 2 nm or less—instrumental differences are insignificant.). In the original development of high-precision spectrophotometric methods for measuring seawater pHT (Clayton and Byrne, 1993), Eqs. (4), (5), (6) and (7) were determined using monochromatic light (bandwidth ~ 1 nm) to assess the relative concentrations of the

unprotonated and protonated (L2 − and HL−) forms of indicator. Subsequent characterizations of purified indicator were likewise conducted using narrowband spectrophotometers. For purified mCP (Liu et al., 2011): equation(4) pHT=−logK2Te2+logRN−e1/1−RN·e3/e2where click here RN = 578AL2 − / 434AHL− (this RN is equivalent to the R of Eq.  (3) of Liu et al.). The corresponding (narrowband) ei coefficients are a function of temperature (T) and salinity (S): equation(5) e1=−0.007762+4.5174×10−5Te1=−0.007762+4.5174×10−5T equation(6) e3/e2=−0.020813+2.60262×10−4T+1.0436×10−4(S−35)e3/e2=−0.020813+2.60262×10−4T+1.0436×10−4S−35at a measurement pressure of 1 atm. The

equilibrium constant term of Eq.  (2) is given as: equation(7) −logK2Te2=a+bT+clnT−dTwhere a=−246.64209+0.315971S+2.8855×10−4S2b=7229.23864–7.098137S−0.057034S2c=44.493382–0.052711Sd=0.0781344. This characterization is appropriate for 278.15 ≤ T ≤ 308.15 K and 20 ≤ S ≤ 40. Fig. 1 illustrates the structure of the DIY LED photometer (part list, circuit schematic, and source code can be found in supplementary material.). For the light source module, LED1 (MV5B60, Everlight) and LED2 (LTL1CHKGKNN, Lite-On) were used to generate light with outputs centered near 434 nm and 578 nm, the wavelengths of maximum absorbance of the acidic and basic forms of mCP. The emission spectra of both LEDs were measured with a USB-4000 spectrophotometer (Ocean Sclareol Optics, Inc.). The detector module is based on a light-to-voltage optical converter TSL257 (TAOS Inc.), which combines a photodiode and a transimpedance amplifier on a single monolithic complementary metal–oxide–semiconductor (CMOS) integrated circuit. The system can be powered by either 4 AA batteries or 5V DC from a standard USB port. A 100 mL PYREX® (Corning Inc., USA) screw-cap round glass bottle seated within a foam nest serves as the sample bottle, reaction chamber, and optical cell (path length = 5.6 cm). The photometer measures 90 × 90 × 100 mm and weighs 370 g. During each measurement, the two LEDs are activated alternately, and the signals obtained from each LED are sent to the microcontroller via a simple 1 s RC filter.

According to this criterion, 57 storms

occurred in the Da

According to this criterion, 57 storms

occurred in the Darss-Zingst area during 1958–2007, 8 of which were from the east and the rest from the west. Statistical results indicate that January and November can be described as storm months: 31 storms took place in this period. The distribution Selleckchem EPZ5676 of storm directions indicates that WNW is the most probable direction for a storm in this area, with a percentage of 43%. The most probable direction for an easterly storm is NE, with a percentage of 65% in the 8 storms. The annual maximum wind speed profile indicates that storms occur almost every year and that there is no distinct trend in the variation of the storm strength in this 50-year period. Extreme value theory is applied to analyse the storms. The Gumbel distribution is used to calculate the return period of storms. The probability

density function of the Gumbel distribution is equation(10) f(X)=1σexp[μ−Xσ−exp(μ−Xσ)],Where CYC202 supplier σ   is the scale parameter, μ   is the location parameter, and XX is the maximum wind speed of the year. The cumulative distribution function of the Gumbel distribution is given by equation(11) F(X)=exp[−exp(μ−Xσ)].Following a double logarithmic transformation, eq. (11) can be written as equation(12) ln[−lnF(X)]=μ−Xσ. Knowing F  (XX) and XX from the statistics of the annual maximum wind speed, the values of σ and μ can be obtained by least squares fitting using eq. (12). The best-fit Gumbel

distribution of the annual maximum wind speed for the period of 1958–2007 is given by σ = 1.498 and Isotretinoin μ = 20.49. The resultant Gumbel fitting curve is shown in Figure 6a. The return period of the thus given by equation(13) R(X)=11−F(X). The curve of R  (XX) is shown in Figure 6b. Some maximum wind speeds with their return periods and probability of occurrence are listed in Table 3. It is not realistic for the morphodynamic model to include every wind storm with a different return period. According to the distribution of wind storm directions and the frequency of the storms that blew in the research area in the period of 1958–2007, one annual storm from the WNW and a once-every-n-years storm from the NE are included in the model. Here, n is a variable (which should range between 5 and 10 according to the statistical result) that results from correction of the wind-induced wave spectrum aiming at inducing similar coastline change to the measured data. The maximum wind speed is 21.5 m s−1 in both storms and the duration is 48 hours (wind speed above 14 m s−1, according to the definition of a storm), which is the typical duration of a storm in the southern Baltic Sea according to the statistical results of wind storms in 1958–2007. The wind speed is assumed to increase linearly from 14 m s−1 to 21.

By equalizing

equation (6) and equation (7), in which the

6 and B1 = 3.65 are obtained. By equalizing

equation (6) and equation (7), in which the function of coefficient A (eq.  (9)) has been included, with coefficients A1 and B1, selleck chemicals the empirical equation for estimating the reduction coefficient of the mean spectral wave period when crossing the submerged breakwater is obtained: equation(10) KR−T0.2=−0.3RcHm0−i+0.51××1280.6exp×3.65×Rc/Hm0−iRcL0.2−i2+0.87. The above equation is valid, provided that the following limitations are taken into account: maximum KR−T0.2=1;−1.6≤Rc/Hm0−i≤−0.5;−0.5≤Rc/L0.2−i≤−0.02;0.034≤Hm0−i/Ls−i≤0.091. The empirical model presented below was derived for an emerged smooth breakwater, based on measurements conducted by Van der Meer et al. (2000) in the wave channel of the Delft Hydraulics company. The measurements are given in Table 2, and the measured reduction coefficients of the mean spectral wave period K0.2R−TKR−T0.2, which depend on the relative submersion Rc/L0.2 − i are shown in Figure 7. For each measured KR−T0.2KR−T0.2, the values of parameter K click here   are estimated according to equation  (6). The ordered pairs (Rc/L0.2, K  ) are inserted into the diagram and the points presented in Figure 10 obtained. The function of the form equation  (7) should be fitted to the points, assuming that the coefficient A   = const, i.e. that it does not depend on the parameter Rc/Hm0−iRc/Hm0−i. In the case of an emerged breakwater, the coefficient B

  is defined differently than in the case of a submerged breakwater. In data for the emerged crown, the measured coefficient KR−T0.2KR−T0.2 is very close to the ordinate, with Rc/L0.2 = 0.003 and parameter Rc/Hm0=0.05Rc/Hm0=0.05.B   is determined provided that L0.2 → ∞ in equation  (7), so that the first term of equation  (7) tends to 0, and equation  (8) is obtained. By inserting the values Rc/Hm0−i=0.05Rc/Hm0−i=0.05 and measured values KR−T0.2~0.68KR−T0.2~0.68

( Figure 7) in equation  (8),B ≈ 1.35 is obtained. Equation  (7) with coefficient B = 1.35 is fitted to the points in Figure 10 so that coefficient A = 810.6 is obtained. By equalizing equation (6) and equation (7), into which the coefficients A = 810.6 and B = 1.35 are inserted, the empirical equation for estimating the reduction coefficient of the mean Calpain spectral wave period when crossing the emerged breakwater is obtained: equation(11) KR−T0.2=−0.3RcHm0−i+0.51×810.6RcL0.2−i2+1.35. The above equation is valid provided that the following limitations are taken into account: maximum KR−T0.2=1;0.05≤Rc/Hm0−i≤1.1;0.003≤Rc/L0.2−i≤0.06;0.043≤Hm0−i/Ls−i≤0.053, the first term of equation (11) can be a minimum [−0.3Rc/Hm0−i+0.51]=0.075−0.3Rc/Hm0−i+0.51=0.075. Figure 11 shows the verification of the empirical models for estimating the reduction coefficients of the mean spectral periods when waves cross the submerged and emerged breakwaters (eq. (10) and eq. (11)).

Stenosis was successfully prevented Biopsy proved antral HP-nega

Stenosis was successfully prevented. Biopsy proved antral HP-negative mucosa. 1 1/2 years later the patient is free of complaints. This first case of a successful gastro-esophageal endoscopic mucosal transplant with one year follow-up after wide- spread ESD in the esophagus for an early squamous cell cancer opens a new perspective for systematic research in this field. “
“Indeterminate pancreatico-biliary strictures remain a difficult diagnostic dilemma with currently available endoscopic imaging. Alectinib manufacturer We present scanning fiber endoscopy as a novel platform for improving diagnostic accuracy and present three cases where this platform has been used successfully in human subjects. In all three cases, endoscopic

retrograde cholangiography was performed using a standard side viewing endoscope and fluoroscopy see more to obtain biliary access. Once access was obtained, the scanning

fiber endoscope was advanced into the bile duct and images were obtained. Scanning fiber endoscopy is a novel platform for endoscopic imaging with improved resolution. A pancreatic duct endoscope is already available for testing in human subjects and currently in design are models with tip deflection, fluorescence imaging and laser-induced fluorescence spectroscopy, as well as novel devices for directed curettage and brushing. Importantly, scanning fiber endoscopy as a platform brings much needed new tools to bear on the question of benign versus malignant biliary strictures. “
“Total esophageal liminal occlusions secondary to lye induced strictures have significantly decreased in incidence in the last decade, but still present a formidable management challenge. If there

is complete obstruction, patients fantofarone have aphagia and in addition to nutritional problems have poor quality of life due to inability to handle secretions and loss of taste. Gastrostomy tubes address hydration and nutrition but not morbidity and quality of life. Esophageal surgery continues to be associated with significant morbidity and possible mortality. This has prompted endoscopic efforts at esophageal luminal restoration, in most cases for strictures 3 cm or less. We present a case of luminal restoration for a 12 cm long lye induced stricture and patient employed self dilation to maintain luminal opening. The gastrostomy tube was removed and the tract was dilated to 10 mm.The 5.9mm endoscope was used in a retrograde fashion and advanced to the cardia and then the lower esophagus where after 2 cm of normal tissue a narrowing was seen. The GI team worked to complete a rendezvous with our ENT colleagues who worked per orum. The tissue was dissected with the pediatric biopsy forceps and the scope was advanced few cm until a complete obstruction was reached. We then used biplanar fluoroscopy and dissected the tissue with the biopsy forceps until we reached an area where a rigid knife was passed orally to make the rendezvous. A 0.

Anenberg et al (2010) estimated the global burden of human morta

Anenberg et al. (2010) estimated the global burden of human mortality due to the increase in annual average PM2.5 concentrations from their preindustrial level on a grid of 2.8° × 2.8° resolution. Concentrations of SO4, NO3, NH4, black carbon BC and anthropogenic organic carbon particles OC were included, but dust, sea salt particles and secondary organic aerosols were excluded. The contribution of SO4 to the global average PM2.5 concentration Bleomycin chemical structure was

28.3% (the proportion of (NH4)2SO4, of which the SO4 mass makes up 70%, was 40.4%) in Europe in 2000. Those researchers estimated that if there is no low-concentration threshold below which mortality does not increase, then in the year 2000 PM2.5 exposure caused 3.7 ± 1 million extra mortalities globally,

633 000 of which were in Europe. From an average of six PM models Silva et al. (2013) estimated that 2.1 million (1.3 to 3 M) PM2.5-related extra deaths occurred globally, 154 000 (105–193 000) of which were in Europe. A first estimate of the effect of global shipping-related PM emissions on mortality was 60 000 annual deaths in 2002. It was expected to grow by 40% by 2012 (Corbett et al. 2007). Winebrake et al. (2009) compared the effect of different sulphur control strategies of global ship fuel S content on global mortality rates, and concluded that the 2012 global premature ZD1839 death rate due to ships’ emissions, i.e. 87 000, could be reduced by 33 500 persons with a 0.5% sulphur limit and by 43 500 deaths with a 0.1% S limit. Brandt et al. (2011) developed

an integrated model system EVA (Economic Valuation of Air pollution) for assessing the health-related impact of air pollution (O3, CO, SO2, SO4, NO3 and primary emitted PM2.5) from specific emission sources. Their estimate of the total number of premature deaths in Europe due to air pollution, was 680 000 in 2000 and 450 000 in 2020. Of these numbers, 49 500 (2010) and 53 200 (2020) were estimated to be caused by international shipping in the Northern Hemisphere (NH). Brandt et al. estimated that the health effect of all air pollutants from international ship traffic through the North Sea and the Baltic Sea was 20 377 extra annual deaths in Europe. This is a rather high number, 41% of all deaths caused by NH ship traffic. The report by Brandt et al. (2011) has been cited from by politicians to justify further reductions in the sulphur content of marine fuels (a maximum S content of 0.1% from 1 January 2015). When the sulphur content of the fuel is reduced, PM emissions will also be affected; however, most of the effects can be found in the reduction of secondary sulphate particles, whose ship-originated concentrations calculated in this study were low except close to shipping lanes. In order to estimate the effect of reduced sulphur emissions from ships on European mortality, the effect of O3, NO2 and direct PM emissions should be separated from the overall figure.