Therefore, a positive PET–CT

serves as an indication for

Therefore, a positive PET–CT

serves as an indication for further invasive testing. The ACCP guidelines selleck chemical also recommend histological confirmation of mediastinal nodes for patients with a peripheral clinical stage I tumor with a positive mediastinal nodes uptake [9] and [16]. Guidelines from the European Society of Thoracic Surgeons [17] additionally recommend invasive staging when the primary tumor shows low FDG uptake such as in a bronchioloalveolar carcinoma. Accurate and fast staging of small-cell lung cancer (SCLC) is mandatory when choosing treatment, but current staging procedures are time consuming and lack sensitivity. Fischer et al. conducted the first prospective study on 29 consecutive patients to assess the role of PET/CT compared with CT, bone scintigraphy and immunocytochemical assessment of bone marrow biopsy of patients with SCLC. PET/CT restaged 17% of the patients. The sensitivity

for accurate staging of patients with extensive disease was the following: for standard staging 79%, PET 93% and PET/CT 93%. Specificity was 100%, 83% and 100%, respectively. The authors concluded that FDG-PET/CT can simplify and perhaps even improve the accuracy of the current staging procedure in SCLC [18]. Another useful role of PET/CT is to guide biopsy for difficult cases when CT fails to distinguish lung mass from post-obstructive pneumonitis. FDG-PET/CT is increasingly used for radiotherapy planning in patients with non-small-cell AZD8055 supplier lung carcinoma. PET/CT is now preferable for radiotherapy Osimertinib solubility dmso planning in NSCLC rather than CT alone. Integration of PET/CT in radiotherapy planning may improve patient outcome although studies that are more clinical are required to arrive at a definite conclusion [19]. PET/CT planning for target volumes in radiotherapy of NSCLC is different from the treatment volumes [20]. The percentage

of changes recorded, by PET/CT ranges from 27% to 100% [20]. This change may be related to the exclusion of atelectasis or inclusion of PET-positive nodes. Target volumes calculated by PET/CT when compared to CT also greatly reduce the inter-observer variability. PET/CT may also provide improved therapeutic ratio when compared with conventional CT. Grgic et al. found significantly better fusion of PET and planning CT can be reached with PET acquired in the radiotherapy position [21]. The best intra-individual fusion results are obtained with the planning CT performed during mid-breath hold [21]. However, the methodology for incorporating PET technique in radiotherapy planning continues to be refined [22]. Ceresoli et al.

Lagoon resource users themselves consistently mentioned the chall

Lagoon resource users themselves consistently mentioned the challenges of pursuing a fisheries-based livelihood. Case study work

at the village level enabled an assessment of the potential for farmers to fulfill VietG.A.P. certification requirements. Reflective of the district survey, most Thuy Dien households are involved in some type of polyculture (172 households of 196). Of the 172 households, 134 practice mixed species net enclosed aquaculture, and 38 households practice polyculture in ponds. Participants were asked to consider their current fish farming practices in terms of information check details they tracked or of information in which they were knowledgeable. We compared their answers in relation to VietG.A.P. requirements. VietG.A.P. was chosen rather than ShAD or GLOBALG.A.P. since it is a national standard and likely the most realistic entry point for certification. Table 4 outlines key VietG.A.P. requirements and illustrates the percentage of fish farmers in Thuy Dien village who currently meet these requirements. Table 4 demonstrates that VietG.A.P. requires well documented records for all aspects of production, food safety, feed, and disease management. Although pertinent for compliance with any food safety or sustainability standard, detailed record keeping other than for specific aspects of production, is not an

activity typically performed by small producers [22]. Detailed record keep Fulvestrant research buy was also found to be a struggle for small, medium and large-scale pangasius producers [50]. Farmers tend to record economic returns per crop rather than, for example, listing all sources of feed or recording disease impacts. As one farmer commented, “when my shrimp are sick [with disease],

it is hard to know why exactly. We talk to each other to try to find a solution, and sometimes use human medicine to try to help”. Farmers also note Vasopressin Receptor that both feed and seed can be expensive, and depending on price and availability it may make more sense for them to source trash fish or wild seed [9]. Some certification schemes prohibit the use of wild seed such as GLOBALG.A.P. while others, like VietG.A.P., do not. Nonetheless, VietG.A.P. compliance would require a substantive shift in current practices. Farmers were also read a list of factors related to sustainability, and asked which factors they considered important for sustainable fish farming. This line of questioning was aimed at determining the interest of small producers to comply with more rigorous farming practices as well as to assess the key challenges with which they are faced. Farmers in Thuy Dien do not typically use chemical inputs or currently employ workers outside the family unit [32], [51] and [31]; consequently, the use of antibiotics for fish disease and workers׳ rights criteria were not considered important.

No modelo 2, referente à variável CER, grande parte das variáveis

No modelo 2, referente à variável CER, grande parte das variáveis do questionário estiveram associadas significativamente: idade (quanto mais idade, menos conhecimento) (OR = 0,97; IC 0,94-0,99), nível de escolaridade mais elevada (OR = 2,90; IC 1,16-1,18), ter conhecimento da definição de CCR (OR = 3,01; IC 1,67-5,43), ter uma maior perceção do risco de CCR (OR = 1,38; IC 1,22-1,56), concordar com a existência de tratamento para o CCR (OR = 4,05; IC 1,41-11,59), recomendação de, pelo menos, um exame de rastreio (OR = 4,51; IC 2,01-10,11), todas as fontes de

informação que obtiveram do CCR (principalmente médicos/enfermeiros) (OR = 10,51; IC 3,52-31,36) e a necessidade de mais informação sobre o CCR (OR = 2,89; IC 1,60-5,22) (modelo 2, tabela 4). No modelo 3, PF01367338 das 4 variáveis independentes selecionadas, apenas 2 foram associadas significativamente à APUER: conhecimento

da definição do CCR (OR = 1,77; IC 1,03-3,02) e terem informação sobre o CCR, tanto através SGI-1776 concentration dos médicos/enfermeiros (OR = 2,71; IC 1,19-6,19), como da comunicação social (OR = 2,42; IC 1,41-4,13) (modelo 3, tabela 4). Por último, o modelo 4, com a variável dependente APRER, apenas a recomendação de no mínimo um exame de rastreio apresentou significado estatístico (OR = 10,03; IC 3,10-32,53) (modelo 4, tabela 4). Apesar de, em Portugal, o rastreio do CCR estar dirigido à uma população com idades entre os 50 e os 74 anos, o nosso estudo abrangeu indivíduos a partir dos 40 anos, sem idade

limite máxima estabelecida, obtendo uma média de idades de 60 anos. Consideramos a inclusão destes indivíduos uma mais-valia, na medida em que acedemos aos conhecimentos e às atitudes, tanto dos que ainda não se encontravam em rastreio, valorizando a sensibilização antecipada da população, como dos que, apesar de não estarem em idade de rastreio efetivo, já foram, teoricamente, alvo do mesmo. No âmbito dos conhecimentos acerca do CCR, os nossos resultados indicaram lacunas quanto à definição, aos fatores de risco e aos exames de rastreio do CCR. A maioria dos inquiridos Rebamipide (cerca de 60%) não conhecia uma definição válida de CCR. As percentagens de respostas corretas referentes ao conhecimento dos fatores de risco do CCR oscilaram entre os 29,9% para a baixa atividade física e os 52,2% para os pólipos. Menos de 1/3 dos portuenses associou a baixa atividade física ao risco de ter CCR, fração reduzida para um dos principais fatores de risco modificáveis do CCR. A PSOF e a colonoscopia foram os 2 exames de rastreio mais relatados corretamente pelos inquiridos, com percentagens muito próximas (50,6 e 49,9%, respetivamente). A análise dos resultados relativos às atitudes dos portuenses quanto à perceção do risco e da utilidade dos exames de rastreio, à prevenção e ao tratamento do CCR foram, de um modo geral, positivos.

A study by Falou et al also suggested that responders and nonres

A study by Falou et al. also suggested that responders and nonresponders could be differentiated check details with DOS [26]. Finally, the

biomedical engineering group at Duke University (Durham, NC) showed that a combination of DRS and AFS can be applied to monitor drug concentrations and tumor physiology in vivo in a preclinical mouse model [27]. Studies thus far have mainly focused on the noninvasive application of optical sensing by hand-held optical transducers used to scan tissue surfaces. This approach has a clear advantage for breast tumors but may limit the applicability of optical sensing for deep-seeded tumors such as in the lung or kidney. Recently, we described an optical needle probe able to perform optical measurements in tumor tissue [21], [28] and [29]. Optical measurements conducted through very fine needles (smaller than 27 G) open the potential to assess treatment response of (solid) tumors at deep-tissue sites [30]. The aim of this study was to investigate whether dual-modality DRS-AFS, incorporated in a small needle probe,

was able to monitor the dynamics of tumor response after treatment with cisplatin using a preclinical mouse model for BRCA1-mutated BLZ945 in vitro breast cancer. In this study, Brca1−/−; p53−/− mammary tumors were generated in a mouse model for hereditary breast cancer previously described by Liu et al. [31]. These tumors have been demonstrated to be sensitive to cisplatin at a maximum tolerated dose (MTD) of 6 mg/kg i.v. [32]. Small fragments of tumor (1-2 mm in diameter) were orthotopically

transplanted into the fourth right mammary fat pad of 36 female (FVB/N HanHSD WT) animals (The Pyruvate dehydrogenase Netherlands Cancer Institute, Amsterdam, The Netherlands) (6-8 weeks of age) as described previously [32]. Starting 2 weeks after tumor grafting, the onset of tumor growth was checked at least three times per week. Tumor size was determined by caliper measurements (length and width in millimeters), and tumor volume (in cubic millimeters) was calculated using the following formula: 0.5 × length × width2. Once the tumor volume reached 400 to 800 mm3, the animals were separated into control and treatment groups. Animals in the treatment group (N = 18) received cisplatin (1 mg/ml in saline/mannitol) at a dose of 6 mg/kg (MTD) in a single i.v. injection into the tail vein. Animals in the control group (N = 18) received an equivalent amount of saline. DRS and AFS tumor measurements were performed in vivo after inserting the spectroscopy needle percutaneously (through the skin) into the tumors. Baseline measurements were performed on day 0, immediately after treatment/placebo administration, and then on days 1, 2, 4, and 7 afterwards. These time points were selected from a previous pilot study. To evaluate whether eventual changes in the optical profile were systemic or tumor specific, eight animals from each group were randomly chosen for additional in vivo measurements in liver and muscle tissues on days 2, 4, and 7.

Bei sensibilisierten Personen führt die Resorption von Nickelione

Bei sensibilisierten Personen führt die Resorption von Nickelionen über die Haut zu einem Nickelkontaktekzem, das sich in entzündeten Hautbereichen äußert. Diese Sensibilisierungsreaktionen können zu Hautrötung, Hautausschlägen Talazoparib order und in schwereren Fällen zu Pusteln und Geschwüren führen [58]. Die Häufigkeit von Nickelkontaktekzemen nimmt in der Allgemeinbevölkerung zu, insbesondere bei Frauen, vermutlich aufgrund des Kontakts mit vernickeltem Schmuck [59]. Durch Hautkontakt mit Schmuck oder Bekleidungselementen wie vernickelten Reißverschlüssen und Schnallen wurden 5-15 % der Frauen und

0,5-1 % der Männer in Europa für Nickelkontaktekzeme sensibilisiert. Es gibt Hinweise darauf, dass das Stechen von Ohrlöchern das Risiko für eine Sensibilisierung gegen Nickel beträchtlich erhöht [54], [59], [60] and [61]. Kürzlich wurden Mobiltelefone als neue Auslöser für Nickelkontaktekzeme identifiziert [62], die an der Gesichtshaut von Kindern und Jugendlichen auftraten [63]. Nickelionen selbst werden nicht als Antigene angesehen, sondern deren

Proteinkomplexe z. B. mit Proteinen in Langerhans-Zellen. Diese Zellen liegen in der Basalschicht der Epidermis und sind aktiv an der Immunregulation in der Haut, der Immunüberwachung und der Antigenprozessierung beteiligt. Der Versuch des Organismus, die Nickel-Protein-Komplexe zu beseitigen, kann bei sensibilisierten Personen eine allergische Reaktion auslösen, die zur Entzündung des Gewebes führt [64]. Die Exposition selleck chemicals llc der Allgemeinbevölkerung gegenüber Nickel in Lebensmitteln, im Trinkwasser und in der Umgebungsluft

ist gering, daher kann ausgeschlossen werden, dass diese Quellen zu schwereren gesundheitlichen Schäden führen. Den häufigsten gesundheitlichen Schaden in der Allgemeinbevölkerung stellen allergische Kontaktekzeme dar, die bei sensibilisierten Personen durch längeren Carnitine dehydrogenase Hautkontakt mit Nickel hervorgerufen werden. Arbeiter in der Nickel produzierenden und verarbeitenden Industrie können durch Einatmen der belasteten Luft am Arbeitsplatz berufsbedingt höheren Nickelkonzentrationen ausgesetzt sein als die Allgemeinbevölkerung. Daher befasste sich die Mehrzahl der Studien zu den gesundheitlichen Auswirkungen von Nickel beim Menschen mit Nickelschwebstoffpartikeln und der Analyse ihrer physikalischen und chemischen Form. Eine weithin akzeptierte Klassifikation von Nickelspezies unterscheidet zwischen löslichen, sulfidischen und oxidischen Spezies ohne weitere chemische Charakterisierung der Nickelverbindungen in diesen Fraktionen. Diese Klassifikation hat sich jedoch als nützlich erwiesen, um toxische Effekte von Nickel bei berufsbedingt exponierten Arbeitern in der Nickelindustrie zu untersuchen.

The recipient was able to perceive phosphenes from stimulation of

The recipient was able to perceive phosphenes from stimulation of 39/80 electrodes, with the nature of elicited percepts varying from discrete, clustered, diffuse and elongated points GDC-0980 of light. While the system was ultimately of no practical use to the recipient, it demonstrated that stimulation of visual cortex with a fully-implanted,

multi-electrode implant was feasible and could produce visuotopically organized percepts. Moreover, it suggested that with an increased number of electrodes and phosphenes, providing the blind with useful visual perception via cortical stimulation may be possible. Brindley׳s success was followed by a significant increase in research effort towards the Romidepsin development of a cortical visual prosthesis, with a number of other groups publishing the results of experiments directed at visual prosthesis development in subsequent years (Dobelle and Mladejovsky, 1974, Pollen, 1975 and Talalla et al., 1974). Both Brindley and Dobelle׳s groups separately progressed their implants, eventually demonstrating that phosphenes could be assembled into simple patterns for the purpose of reading Braille characters (Brindley and

Rushton, 1974 and Dobelle, 1974). The goals of visual prosthesis designers at the time were generally centered on providing the blind with the ability to read text or to improve their level of independent mobility. Brindley had previously determined that 50 favorably placed phosphenes would be required to permit the reading of idealized letterforms, however up to 600 would be required for the reading of handwriting (Brindley, 1965). Dobelle was less focused on reading and

more so on mobility (Dobelle et al., 1979a) and his group reported plans to implant 512 electrodes towards that goal (Dobelle et al., 1979a). Brindley made no further reports on his visual prosthesis development program after 1982 (Brindley, 1982), however Dobelle continued Nintedanib molecular weight development, incorporating a camera and miniaturizing the system to the point of portability. With ongoing improvements in the sophistication of computing hardware, Dobelle׳s (2000) system was ultimately capable of providing limited object recognition and mobility to one of its recipients with only 21 phosphenes. Despite this, it was similar to Brindley׳s device, based on an array of surface electrodes that required currents up to several milliamperes to elicit phosphenes (Brindley and Lewin, 1968). Aside from limiting the minimum spacing between electrodes and therefore any resultant phosphenes, these large currents also increased the risk of seizures for implant recipients (Naumann, 2012), a problem that had previously plagued other researchers in the field (Pudenz, 1993). A further disadvantage was the bulk of the cabling that connected to the electrodes via a transcutaneous connector fixed to the skull.

At present this team is participating in the SatBałtyk project, f

At present this team is participating in the SatBałtyk project, focusing on the dynamics of Baltic shoreline changes (see e.g. Furmańczyk

1994, Schwarzer et al. 2003, Dudzińska-Nowak 2006, Furmańczyk & Dudzińska-Nowak 2009, Furmańczyk et al. 2011). But the greatest Polish achievements in satellite remote sensing of sea came with the check details advent of the 21st century, when cooperation between the first three of the four institutes mentioned earlier was established and generously subsidised by the Polish state. In 2001–2005 IOPAN, together with IOUG and IFPUinS, worked on a project commissioned by the Polish National Committee for Scientific Research entitled The Development of a Satellite Method for Baltic Ecosystem Monitoring (project No. PBZ-KBN 056/P04/2001). Selleckchem VX809 The first major result of this cooperation was the derivation of the first

version of the DESAMBEM algorithm (the name is taken from the project’s acronym) 5 and its application to remote sensing data recorded on 8 May 2001, which yielded a set of distribution maps of four significant characteristics of the Baltic Sea, namely, sea surface PAR 6 irradiation, sea surface temperature, surface chlorophyll a concentration and total primary production in the water column ( Woźniak et al. 2004). This historically important result is presented in Figure 1. Cooperation between the three institutes continued within the framework of the Inter-Institute Cobimetinib molecular weight Team for Satellite Observations of the Marine Environment, partly funded by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education, (MNiSW Decision

No. 31/E-45/BWSN-0105/2008). The main aim of these activities was to establish the scientific foundations and methodology for employing remote sensing techniques to monitor the Baltic as an inland sea with a high biological productivity yet under serious threat from the effects of economic development. From this work there emerged a number of detailed models of different physical, chemical and biological phenomena taking place in the Baltic and in the atmosphere above it, enabling numerous parameters characterizing the state and functioning of the Baltic ecosystem to be determined from remote sensing data (see, for example: Woźniak et al. 1992a, b, 1995, a, b, 2000, 2002a, b, 2003, 2004, 2007a, b, Dera 1995, Kaczmarek & Woźniak 1995, Krężel 1997, Majchrowski & Ostrowska 1999, 2000, Majchrowski et al. 2000, 2001, Ostrowska et al. 2000a, b, 2007, Ficek et al. 2000a, b, 2003, 2004, Ficek 2001, Majchrowski 2001, Ostrowska 2001, Darecki & Stramski 2004, Kowalewski & Krężel 2004, Darecki et al. 2005, Krężel et al. 2005a, b, 2008). Synthesis of these detailed models yielded a more ramified and more precise version of the comprehensive DESAMBEM algorithm (version 2008) consisting of many subalgorithms ( Woźniak et al. 2008).

This enhanced rate of shoot multiplication by subsequent subcultu

This enhanced rate of shoot multiplication by subsequent subcultures substantiates with the earlier reports on C. verrucossa [18], C. halicacabum [5] and Andrographis neesiana [29], and T. undulata [20]. As per the protocol devised by Jahan and Anis [5], healthy adventitious root induction was achieved on ⅓ MS medium amended with IAA (0.5 μM) (Fig. 1D).

Rooted plantlets with fully expanded leaves were transferred to pots containing sterile soilrite and hardened off inside the growth chamber for 4 weeks (Fig. 2A and B). Hardening of micropropagated plantlets is essential for successful establishment as regenerated plants in culture condition have been in a sheltered environment with a very high humidity, controlled light, and temperature Selleck ERK inhibitor MS-275 nmr that induces some kind of internal abnormalities. It is therefore, necessary to accustom the plants to the natural environment by a process called acclimatization. After 1 month, the micropropagated plants were planted in earthen pots containing garden soil and vermicompost (1:1) and maintained in a greenhouse. The survival rate was 80%. The creation of ROS as well as their detoxification is highly synchronized in plants, and their levels are kept under firm control by a complex antioxidant

system. The character played by ROS in plant growth and development is sustained by the interplay of ROS and plant growth regulators. Moreover, they have been implicated as second messenger in several plant hormone responses [30]. A comparative study has been

undertaken to account the changes in the activities of antioxidant enzymes during the in vitro culture period with their ex vitro acclimatized plantlets. As observed from the data collected SOD and CAT showed a continuous increase in their activity in the in vitro regenerated shoots from 2nd to 4th weeks during the culture conditions which still sustained after 2nd–4th week of their ex vitro transfer to field conditions (Fig. 3A and B). But for SOD, an abrupt augment in the activity at 2nd week of acclimatization was observed that suggests its role in struggling oxidative stress. However, the activity of enzyme decline in the 4th week of acclimatization which advocate that the plant adjusts itself to external environmental conditions. The Decitabine in vivo combined action of SOD and CAT which are the most efficient antioxidant enzymes acts on potentially dangerous superoxide radical (O2 −) and hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) and converts it into water (H2O) and molecular oxygen (O2), thus averting cellular damage. A similar line of action has been observed in the activity of APX and GR which countered the increased levels of ROS in the regenerated plantlets by growing their own level during the culture conditions and maintaining it upto 2nd–4th weeks of their transfer to ex vitro conditions (Fig. 4A and B).

The ongoing R prolixus Genome Project could provide important to

The ongoing R. prolixus Genome Project could provide important tools for the study of genetic programming

of oocyte development and atresia and also for mechanisms related to PCD. The authors thank Jose de Lima Junior and Litiane M. Rodrigues for maintaining the insect colony. This work was supported by the following agencies: Fundação Carlos Chagas Filho de Apoio à Pesquisa do Estado do Rio de Janeiro (FAPERJ), Programa de Apoio a Núcleos de Excelência do Ministério da Ciência e Tecnologia (PRONEX-MCT) and Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Cientifico e Tecnológico (CNPq). “
“Vitellogenin is the precursor of vitellin, a phospholipoglycoprotein that constitutes the major fraction of the egg yolk proteins in insects and is the main source of nutrients for the embryo (Raikhel and Dhadialla, 1992 and Tufail and Takeda, 2008). Enzalutamide In insects, the amino acid sequence of vitellogenins is conserved at many sites (Chen et al., 1997 and Tufail and Takeda, 2008), although the number of genes that encode

them varies in different species. In hemimetabolous insects, one gene is present in Blattella germanica (Blattaria) ( Comas et al., 2000) and two genes in Leucophaea maderae (Blattaria) ( Tufail et al., 2007). For holometabola insects, five genes were identified in Aedes aegypti (Diptera) find more ( Chen et al., 1994), one in both Bombyx mori (Lepidoptera) ( Yano et al., 1994) and Apis mellifera (Hymenoptera) ( Piulachs et al., 2003), and three in Solenopsis invicta (Hymenoptera) ( Tufail and Takeda, 2008). Vitellogenin is mainly

synthesized in the fat body of females, where single or multiple polypeptides undergo modifications such as glycosylation, lipidification, phosphorylation, sulfation, and proteolytic cleavage (Tufail and Takeda, 2008). They are then released into the haemolymph as oligomeric proteins with molecular weights ranging Rutecarpine from 300 to 600 kDa (Tufail and Takeda, 2008 and Wheeler et al., 1999). These protein aggregates are then transferred to oocytes via receptor-mediated endocytosis and stored in the form of crystals, at which time they are termed vitellins (Giorgi et al., 1999 and Raikhel and Dhadialla, 1992). In social insects, the production of vitellogenins is not exclusive to queens, the reproductive females, but also occurs in the non- or subfertile worker castes (Engels, 1974, Guidugli et al., 2005 and Seehuus et al., 2006), and in the honey bee it was even found in males (Piulachs et al., 2003 and Trenscek et al., 1989). Workers of the stingless bee Frieseomelitta varia are sterile but produce vitellogenin constitutively throughout their life ( Dallacqua et al., 2007).

Scientific research recognises Chagos/BIOT as a globally signific

Scientific research recognises Chagos/BIOT as a globally significant, uncontaminated reference site and one of the few tropical locations where global climate change effects can be separated from those of pollution and exploitation. Research in Chagos/BIOT is already providing vital information for monitoring and managing coral reefs elsewhere, in particular the design of interventions to restore reefs to a healthier condition (Sheppard et al., 2008). Considering

the paucity of empirical information on the effects of MPAs on pelagic species, there is a clear need for further work and a research agenda is under development. Delivery of this research programme will improve management and conservation Bcl-2 activation actions for pelagic species both within the Chagos/BIOT MPA and in the wider context of global marine conservation planning. The implementation TSA HDAC order of a no-take marine reserve in Chagos/BIOT has therefore provided a highly unique scientific reference site of global importance for studies on both pelagic and benthic marine ecosystems and the effects of climate change upon them. We would like to thank the many people who

provided comments and contributions to the consultation report from which we developed this paper, including Stephen Akester, MacAlister Elliott and Partners Ltd (UK); Dr Charles Anderson, IOTC Working Party on Ecosystems and Bycatch (Maldives); Dr Natalie Ban, James Cook University (Australia); Andrés Domingo Balestra, IUCN Shark Specialist Group Co-chair (Uruguay); Dr Joao Correia; Flying Sharks (Portugal); Dr Nick Dulvy, Simon Fraser University & IUCN Shark Specialist Group Co-chair (Canada); Alistair Gammell, Pew Environment Group (UK); Dr Nicholas Graham, James Cook University (Australia); Ali Hood, Shark Trust (UK); Simon Hughes, Ergoloid Chagos Conservation Trust (UK); Dr. Heike Lotze, Dalhousie University (Canada); Rachel Jones, Zoological

Society of London (UK); William Marsden, Chagos Conservation Trust (UK); Professor Peter Mumby, University of Queensland (Australia); Jay Nelson, Pew Environment Group (USA); Felipe Pereira (Portugal); Professor Callum Roberts, University of York (UK); Dr Alex Rogers, ZSL (UK); Dr Paul Shaw, Royal Holloway University of London (UK); Professor Charles Sheppard, Warwick University (UK); Rebecca Short, ZSL (UK); Dr Mark Spalding, The Nature Conservancy (UK); Dr. Derek Tittensor, Dalhousie University (Canada); Phil Williamson, University of East Anglia (UK); Dr Boris Worm, Dalhousie University (Canada) and all members of the Chagos Environment Network and IUCN Shark Specialist Group. Many thanks to Chris Mees, John Pearce, Robert Arthur and Graeme Parkes at MRAG for providing relevant reports and data. Thanks to Dr Nick Dulvy, Catherine Head and Rachel Jones for commenting on drafts of this manuscript.