Disease symptoms were measured including stem lesions after 10 weeks of planting. Stem lesions were evaluated using a scale of 1–5 as described previously by Sturz et al. (1995). After 3 months, the yielded tubercles (g), per pot
treatment, were recorded. Statistical analyses were used as described above. All fungal isolates were identified using ITS regions of rDNA and blast search. All isolates showed 100% homology with E. nigrum, A. longipes, R. solani, buy SB431542 and T. atroviride (Table 1). One isolate showed 99.6% homology with Phomopsis subordinaria and was therefore named as Phomopsis sp. The blast scores are summarized in Table 1. The confrontation cultures between R. solani and isolates E1, E8, and E18 (identified as E. nigrum) showed clear inhibition zones and different patterns of interactions (Fig. 1). Isolates E2 and R24, identified as T. atroviride and Phomopsis sp., respectively, showed fast growth and covered the plate completely including the mycelium of R. solani. Isolate E13, identified as A. longipes, also showed an inhibition zone against the pathogenic fungus. Antagonistic isolates selleckchem showed different inhibition rates when confronted with R. solani (Table 1). The highest inhibition rate was observed
with T. atroviride, followed by Phomopsis sp., A. longipes, and E. nigrum. Nevertheless, these inhibition rates were statistically significant at P≤0.05. Figure 2 shows the different patterns of interactions between antagonistic isolates. The antagonist mycelium was easily distinguished from R. solani mycelium by hyphal morphology (Fig. 2f). Trichoderma atroviride hyphae established close contact with those of R. solani by coiling (Fig. 2e). The coils were usually very dense and appeared to tightly encircle the R. solani hyphae. After 7 days, T. atroviride hyphae penetrated R. solani hyphae and caused a loss of turgor. Phomopsis sp. invaded the R. solani colony and limited its growth (Fig. 2d). The hyphal density of Phomopsis sp. was higher than R. solani. Alternaria longipes also showed a denser hyphae than
R. solani, but no evidence of any hyphal penetration was observed. However, Oxymatrine these cocultured R. solani hyphae showed an abnormal morphology in comparison with hyphae of R. solani grown alone (Fig. 2f). This may be due to a reduction in cell turgor. Epicoccum nigrum isolates grow alongside of R. solani hyphae and then wind around it, causing lysis of its hyphae (Fig. 2a and b). Epicoccum nigrum did not show any evidence of penetration, although clear inhibition zones were observed where R. solani mycelia were almost dead. All antagonistic fungal isolates are capable of producing volatile compounds when grown on PDA media. Table 2 shows a significant difference between various antagonist isolates. The highest inhibition was recorded by T. atrovirde (81.81%), followed by Phomopsis sp. (38.63%), A. longipes (21.02%), and E. nigrum E18 (20.73%), E1 (11.36%), and E8 (10.22%), respectively.