Using TcrdH2BeGFP (Tcrd, T-cell receptor δ locus; H2B, histone 2B) reporter mice to identify γδ T cells, we measured their intracellular free calcium concentration in response to TCR-crosslinking. In contrast to systemic γδ T cells, CD8αα+ γδ iIEL showed high basal calcium levels and were refractory to TCR-dependent calcium-flux induction;
however, they readily produced CC chemokine ligand 4 (CCL4) and IFN-γ upon TCR triggering in vitro. Notably, in vivo blocking of the γδ TCR with specific mAb led to a decrease of basal calcium levels in CD8αα+ γδ iIEL. This suggests that the γδ TCR of CD8αα+ γδ iIEL is constantly being triggered and therefore functional in vivo. Heterodimers of Pictilisib datasheet the γδ TCR are shared by diverse T-lymphocyte populations
comprising motile γδ T cells that migrate in blood and secondary lymphoid organs as well as tissue-specific and tissue-resident subsets that do not exchange Selleckchem AZD0530 with other γδ T-cell populations 1, 2. A prototype for the latter is the compartment of intestinal intraepithelial lymphocytes carrying the γδ TCR (γδ iIEL), composed of γδCD8αα and γδCD8−CD4− double negative (DN) populations. There is increasing evidence that the primary role of γδ iIEL and other tissue-resident γδ T cells is immune surveillance of their habitat and the maintenance of epithelial integrity 3–8. It is assumed that γδ iIEL screen gut epithelial cells for the presence of self-derived and external danger signals and respond by the secretion of inflammatory cytokines 9, 10, tissue repair factors 3, 11 or induction of cytolytic activity 12. Although there are notable exceptions 13–18, however, cognate ligands of most human and mouse γδ TCR still remain unknown.
Moreover, there have been convincing reports of alternative ways of γδ T-cell activation through either NK-receptors (C-type lectins) such as NKG2D 7 or via pattern recognition receptors such as TLR or aryl-hydrocarbon receptor 19, 20. Finally, it is known that subsets of γδ T cells can directly produce the effector cytokines IL-17A or IFN-γ in response to stimulation with IL-23 or IL-12/IL-18, respectively 21, 22. Therefore, it seems tempting to speculate that the γδ TCR may actually be dispensable for the in vivo function of γδ T cells, which would make it a receptor molecule ‘without a job’ 23, or second that it might instead exhibit yet unidentified functions other than T-cell activation. γδ iIEL as well as other iIEL carrying an αβ TCR (αβ iIEL) differ from T-lymphocyte subsets found in secondary lymphoid organs in that they show an ‘activated yet resting’ phenotype characterized by high basal MAP2K activity, high expression of chemokine and granzyme mRNA, and are hyporeactive to TCR stimulation and do not proliferate in response to TCR-triggering. Accordingly, γδ iIEL and αβ iIEL can display on their surface T-cell activation markers such as CD69 and approximately 75% express the CD8αα homodimer 24–28.